Thursday, September 27, 2007


I just had a thought - if Democracy is "government by the people", as it is derived from the greek demos, people, and kratia, meaning rule/government, why is it that Idiocracy is a synonym of Idiosyncrasy? Blame it on the English language. But I digress yet again.

I wanted to postulate that I have been living in an Idiocracy for the last three and a half years, as in "rule by an idiot", but apparently I can't. If I could, I would like to announce that I am finally free from that subjugated state in which common sense, truth, honesty, integrity, intelligence, and an appreciation for knowledge were banned. I now am free to think again, but most importantly to have a rational, intelligent, and productive conversation with the new "ruler", the person with whom I shall share the next few years.

Thank goodness for the inevitability of job change! And thank goodness again for removing the over-sized obstacle that blocked the path of enlightenment around here!

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