When your friends and loved ones are down and hurting, and you know the pain is almost unbearable, what do you say? What do you do? How do you help? I sit here wishing for a magic wand that would take away the tears, while knowing that the tears need to flow for true healing to begin.
I have spent the last several years away from people who have known me forever - these are the people who hold the pieces of who I was before I came here to become who I am today. And I have wished so many times to be there for the happy times - the weddings, the births, the celebrations. Today I sit here wishing I could be there most of all for the sad times to lend a shoulder, to hold a friend in need.
Life's lessons come wrapped in tears and pain. And yet, we have faith in the future. I guess one of the biggest lessons we learn is that this too shall pass, and down the road we will remember the tears, but we will have grown from the experience and found our way again.
When the day is dark and the road ahead of us seems to stop, there is still tomorrow. And day by day, we learn to go through life until we find the motivation to live again.
To my friends - I am with you even though I am here. I have faith in life, and I have faith in you.
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