Thursday, February 12, 2009

Looking back...

Life has a strange way of pushing us forward, and at the most unexpected moment, pulling us back. Just when we think we've grown beyond the holds of the past, we stumble upon a note, a message, a memory from a time that's long gone by. And we look back at our perfect memories. 

I find myself looking back right now and wondering about so much. I don't wonder about the what ifs, because there really is no point. My life is what I have now, and what I make it (hey, that's a Hannah Montana moment for you... eek!) But the life I once had holds the key to who I used to be. And there are times when I miss that girl.

It's too complicated to explain in two or three paragraphs, within the constraints of a blog. Too personal to share with the world thanks to the window of the Internet. I'm just looking back into what was twenty years ago. I miss the pieces of me that are held by others who were such a central part of my life then. I miss the pieces of me that hold together my past and my present, and that are part of the person I've become. 

Life moves forward. The lessons are part of the road that shapes us constantly. And sometimes along that road, we leave pieces of ourselves that can never be taken back. They belong to the road, they belong to others. They no longer belong to us. 

1 comment:

TJ said...

That's some excellent writing.

As the U2 Song goes, "All that you take, is all that you can't leave behind"