Thursday, January 22, 2009

The difference between 38 and 16

Other than the obvious 22??

More weight, less tone...
More gray, not as much hair...
Some wrinkles, but less acne...
My teeth are now straight...
More insight, less attitude...
More willingness to learn from others...
More awareness that I don't know it all...
More certainty that I know very little...
More urgency to do...
Shorter days, weeks, months and years...
More wonder, less taken for granted
Greater obnoxiousness about my birthday...
More knowledge of who I am - and who I don't want to be...
More appreciation for the "little" things in life...
More understanding that the "little" things are really the BIG ones...
More need to do good, and less hope that we can do it all...
Would that be less hubris??

I'm still me, just an improved version. Not like wine - wine improves with the years, until it stops improving. I'd rather be like a controversial, ground-braking work of art: misunderstood in the early years, acknowledged down the road, and appreciated later on for being bold, unique, and beautiful in its own right (for whatever qualities that make it so).

And no, there's no apologies on that statement. After all, today is my birthday!

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